Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Weapon Registration

I had an epiphany as I was making my peanut butter and jelly sandwich today. I've been all wrong on this gun control thing. I have vehemently opposed gun control as I've always thought that this country has enough laws already: if anyone chose to enforce them.
But it struck me like a blob of jelly being slung against my toast, we NEED a weapon registration.

Monday, January 25, 2016


Initial Obligatory Post!

My brother and I find ourselves at opposing viewpoints on occasion. We felt it would be interesting to put our discussions on the larger stage and present well reasoned arguments in essay form.

This mostly has to do with neither of us having too terribly much time to sit and discuss topics as well as finding it difficult to look up supporting documentation while in the middle of a conversation.

Thank you for joining us.

Best wishes,

"Education is the most effective form of Rebellion"
